
Four-Hand Massage Therapy: Three Things You Should Know


 it is obvious that stress and strain can happen to anyone, anywhere, and anytime due to overexertion (mental & physical). Massage therapy has always been the fastest and easiest way to regain total body coordination. With several massage therapies to choose from, sometimes it gets confusing on the most appropriate massage to take.

One of the all-time favorite massages is the four hands massages. So what exactly is the four-hands massage? What makes it primary and outstanding?

What is a Four-Hand Massage?

Four-hand massages have been around for some time and are practiced in several ways and formats. A four-hand massage is using four therapists’ hands using multiple massage techniques to give recipients desired massage intentions or results. These can range from reducing stress and anxiety, fighting bodily pain, curtail muscle pain, cramps, and stiffness or numbness. 

Four hands massages, as the term connotes, require two experts massage therapists to administer. They are often priced higher yet avail several long-term visible health benefits if done with experience. So, what are three things you need to know about a four-hands massage? Let’s find out more below. 

The Top Three Things You Must Know on a Four-Hand Massage

Multiple Massage Therapists with Variation in Applied Technique

The best experience of a four-hand massage is knowing four hands are working in a synchronized manner across your tired body. These hands have a choreographed approach to release as much bodily pain, stress, anxiety, numbness, stiffness, and any other unhealthy element that doesn’t boost or benefit healthy life. That is why on average, four hands massages tend to cost more as two therapists commit to massaging one recipient at a time. The cost is worth all the benefits derived after the massage sessions.  

Deep Tissue Massage

Use of Multiple Massage Techniques

In a four-hands massage, more techniques and therapies are incorporated to give the recipient as much relaxation and restoration. That is why four hands are preferred for the capacity to experience multiple massage therapies in one round of massage. There are inherent benefits and privileges derived from each incorporated session of a four hands massage.    

Longer Duration with Variation in Timing for Each Technique 

Four hands massages take anywhere between 1 hour and upwards schedule for a full course application of all massage therapies. They are lengthy and patient and apply therapeutic massage oils that must be allowed to work. The value of using both therapeutic techniques and oils and rest makes the recipient’s bodies respond better to massage intentions. These varied massage techniques will each work on specific body parts and issues for total revitalization and rejuvenation.  

Common Visible Benefits and Effects of a Four-Hand Massage

Lower anxiety and stress levels

Better sleep inducement due to the extra relaxing massage nature

Enhanced personal disposition and mood 

Lesser to zero pain as pain-inducing endorphins are relaxed/healed

Stronger bone structure and reversal of arthritis

Greater and higher mental awareness and sharpness

Removal of muscle tension and pain

Higher flexibility, agility, and fitness (mental & physical)  


Choosing four hands, unlike regular two-hand massage, is an experience with full-on benefits in therapeutic massages. Four hands massages have been practiced for several decades, bringing multiple health benefits to the recipients. With these basic things to know, choose the best variations in four hands at Jumeirah seaside spa and massage center that assure instant and long-term good health.